Welcome to the \({\rm AM^3}\) (Astrophysical Multi-Messenger Modeling) Software!


\({\rm AM^3}\) is a software package for simulating lepto-hadronic interactions in astrophysical environments. It solves the time-dependent partial differential equations for the energy spectra of electrons, positrons, protons, neutrons, photons, neutrinos as well as charged secondaries (pions and muons), immersed in an isotropic magnetic field. Crucially, it accounts for the fact that photons and charged secondaries emitted in electromagnetic and hadronic interactions feed back into the interaction rates in a time-dependent manner, therefore grasping non-linear effects including electromagnetic cascades.

Among the state-of-the-art multi-messenger simulation tools [see Cerruti et al (2021)] \({\rm AM^3}\) is the most computationally efficient, making it possible to scan vast source parameter scans and fit the observational data. It has been deployed to explain multi-wavelength observations from blazars, gamma-ray bursts and tidal disruption events, for a full list of references using \({\rm AM^3}\) see below.

In this open-source release, we are making \({\rm AM^3}\) available with all its current features. The solver consists of a C++ library that can be compiled and deployed directly. Alternatively, we provide Python users with an interface that allows you to compile a shared library exposing all of \({\rm AM^3}\) ‘s high-level functions to Python 3. This means you can run simulations with \({\rm AM^3}\) in pure Python without any significant loss of efficiency.

If you use \({\rm AM^3}\) for your project, please cite Klinger at el (2023) [arXiv e-print 2312.13371]

You want to contribute to \({\rm AM^3}\) ? Great! You will need to register for a DESY gitlab account. For this, go to gitlab.desy.de and select ‘sign in with Helmholtz AAI’. Most (international) universities/science centers should be in the list, alternatively you can also register with your google account (by selecting ‘google’ from the list). Once your account is requested, send an email to gitlab.service@desy.de , asking to enable your account (potentially specifying that you wish to contribute to \({\rm AM^3}\) ). If you have issues with this or any other question, contact us through contact-am3@desy.de.

(Inextensive) list of papers based on \({\rm AM^3}\)